
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Singalovada Sutta Continue....

Southern quarter pupils and teachers

Five Kinds of Student's Duty for a Pupil

1) He must stand up and welcome his teacher when he sees the teacher coming.

2) He must attend and wait upon his teacher.

3) He must obey the words of the teacher with confidence and devotion.

4) He must serve his teacher and supply his needs

5) He must learn carefully and respectfully what is taught or instructed by his teacher.

Five Kinds of Teacher's Duty for a Teacher

1) A teacher must teach his pupils good behaviors.

2) He must impart knowledge to him in such a manner that the pupil may thoroughly grasp the subject.

3) He must train his pupil without any discrimination.

4) He must speak well of his pupil's virtues and attainments to his friends.

5) He must prevent his pupils from danger.

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